Sunday, February 24, 2008

Self-care takes discipline

Karly Randolph Pitman has written another great blog post about the role of discipline in establishing good self-care. It's so easy to come to think of discipline as something we have to do--a demand imposed from the outside--that we forget that sometimes discipline can apply to things we want to do for ourselves. Discipline can mean holding ourselves to a standard, or an expectation, or a daily routine because we value what we gain from it. Too often, the things we want or need for ourselves go by the wayside because we get so busy with everyone else's priorities. When we exhaust ourselves tending to the needs of everyone but ourself, we can come to feel like quality self-care means collapsing into a recliner at the end of the day. Not true. Learning to apply the discipline we use in the rest of our life to taking the most excellent care of ourselves creates an incredibly powerful shift. What do you think?

Take good care,


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said, Melissa. Yes, sometimes self care is active, not passive; coming in the form of my daily run, or tackling my tasks instead of procrastinating them. Thank you for the link, and, more importantly, for your wise words. You inspire me.