Monday, July 7, 2008

Do you eat because you are anxious, unhappy, stressed or lonely?

You might want to consider blogging. A new, soon to be released study concludes that people who blog feel less isolated and more satisfied with their friendships. The study tracked Myspace users who also blogged and found that after two months of social networking and blogging, participants reported feeling less anxious, depressed and stressed and bloggers in particular felt better about their current social support and friendships than nonbloggers.

The authors concluded that blogging can be a powerful promoter of creative, intuitive and critical and analytical thinking.

Contrary to stereotypes of bloggers as geeks isolated in their private internet world, blogging has the potential to create community, connection and support. For many who are struggling or are shy or not feeling so great about themselves at that particular moment, reaching out online or expressing one's self in a blog post can feel both more accessible and perhaps even emotionally safer. Apparently, it might also leave you feeling better.

What do you think?


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1 comment:

Zeolite said...

Melissa, I think this is a very interesting point... and has become true for me. I work from home, and was actually feeling quite isolated. I recently began blogging daily and reaching out to others, regarding nutrition and health and I notice a HUGE difference in how I feel. (happier, more social, less moody!)
Your blog is wonderful, Melissa. I know my readers would think so too. Would you consider adding your blog to the Be Naturally well community so more health conscious bloggers and readers can find you easily? Here’s the link

Many blessings, and thanks for the inspiration!