Friday, January 4, 2008

Free Teleclass: Taking Control Of Emotional Eating (once and for all)

Ending emotional eating requires self respect—a lot of it. It also requires some real work. Unfortunately, it’s often different work than people think. Every year, especially this time of year, a lot of energy and frustration is wasted, trying to apply the wrong techniques to achieving weight loss. When these inadequate techniques fail, people often incorrectly blame themselves, instead of the technique. Self-blame diminishes self respect and contributes to a vicious cycle that works against efforts to conquer emotional eating, lose the weight you want, and get on with the life you want to live.

As we move into another year, lots of us are thinking about goals and resolutions and changes we’d like to make. Fantastic. I love fresh starts, but don’t throw out your wisdom with the New Year. There are lots of new books you can buy and diets you can start. Unfortunately, most of them won’t honor the wisdom and knowledge only you carry from living your entire life with your body and your mind. Most of the diet products and books and programs don't provide the techniques and the tools that are appropriate for conquering emotional eating.

Join me for a free teleclass on January 16 at 3pm Eastern (2pm Central, 1pm Mountain, noon Pacific Time), Taking Control of Emotional Eating (once and for all): The five mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight and conquer emotional overeating. I'll do my best to provide you with valuable information that can help you pursue your goals wisely and avoid wasting your efforts on frustrating techniques that are unlikely to meet your needs. Just click on either link above to register and get more information.

Take good care,


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