Friday, April 11, 2008

More quick tips

Emotional eating, nervous eating, stress eating, bored eating--the eating that happens when you aren't physically hungry--tends to happen when you don't know what else to do about how you are feeling, or you don't feel like you can take the time to do it. If my last post about enhancing the quality of your life in quick ways interested you, you should check out Lisa Newton's post, 50 Ideas for a Healthy Lifestyle That Take Ten Minutes or Less. Lisa is the founder of Iowa Avenue, a healthy living social community where I am privileged to be able to share my blog posts. Lisa's post above appeared at another site you might want to check out, Dumb Little Man. It's a blog about making life simpler with lots of tips for how to stay satisfied when you live a really busy life. Pretty cool!

Take good care,

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for mention, Melissa. Emotional eating is a hard nut to crack, but your blogs definately do help.

Thanks for sharing them at Iowa Avenue............:)

Human Microbiome Search Engine said...

Yeah, boredom is a factor in my overeating. And maybe sometimes stress, as when my primary care physician scolds me about my overeating. After her lecture. I often head for an all-you-can eat buffet to relieve the stress.